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ways to give
Give Through the “Fellowship one GO” Mobile App available on
You may notice that we don’t take an offering during the service. But if you would like to give during Sunday worship, you may drop your offering in the offering stand in the back of the sanctuary.
Or mail your check to:
Oakland City Church,
PO Box 3010,
Oakland, CA 94609
frequently asked questions
HOW DO I GIVE ?Sign up as a giver through our online account. Click the links and follow the directions to sign in. You can give a one-time gift or set a giving schedule.
HOW DO I SET UP ONLINE GIVING?For more detailed instructions and options to give, including setting up a recurring gift, CLICK HERE and scroll to the option best suited for your giving to Oakland City Church Need Video Instructions? CLICK HERE to view a video on how to set-up your NEW online giving account.
WHERE DOES MY OFFERING GO?Your offering goes solely to support of the ministry of Oakland City Church, and her work in proclaiming the gospel, growing faith and helping those in need. In the New Testament, we are given two reasons for giving. Firstly, for the support of gospel ministry, and secondly for the provision for those in need in the community and more broadly. Your offering to OCC will always go to one of those two things. Our budget is voted on by the Parish Council (the voting membership of our church) each year. Our finance committee oversees the good stewardship of our resources and twice a year, we hold town hall meeting for updates on finances.
IS GIVING TAX DEDUCTIBLE?Gifts to Oakland City Church are tax deductible. OCC is a subordinate of the Reformed Church in America which is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; TAX FEIN: 27-3268234. You will receive a donation receipt in January of the new year. Email questions to our administrator.
HOW IS GREATER THAN ONE DIFFERENT FROM GENERAL GIVING?Our church is supported by the regular, faithful giving our regular members. But we also collect an offering most weeks for a person or organization in immediate need. You can give after each worship service, or you can go online here and use the drop-down menu to select ‘Greater Than One’. All giving to Greater Than One goes straight out the door of the church to those in need. We’ve helped get people out of prison, kept the lights on and got single moms’ cars back on the road. It’s the church, being the church.
HOW DO I REQUEST GREATER THAN ONE FUNDS?Some seasons in our lives, we are able to give generously. Some seasons, we need a little help. If you have short-term financial need, email our deacons.
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